BQI Challenges

Each year Ballaarat Quilters work on a secret challenge piece, which is then revealed at the Christmas Function.  Prizes are awarded to the maker of the most popular piece, and to the person who correctly guesses the most makers. The Challenge for the following year is set by the winner of the Most Popular Prize.

The 2023 Challenge has been set by Dale Gordon and uses the theme of  “Modern Stripes Fabric”.

Stripes are not strips. Stripes are not plaids.  But you can use trip and plaids 20% of the project is stripes fabric. The other  80% can be anything, as long as it is quilted (3 layers held together with stitching).

Stripes don’t have to be straight but the fabric should have enough contrast in colour/value to be called stripes. For ideas try searching all fabrics/stripes on Amitie or another quilting store. Try searching ‘quilts with stripes fabric’ on Pinterest.

Your modern stripes fabric creation can be any quilt project that you could give away as a Christmas gift, or enter into a quilt competition, or keep to use yourself. Challenge yourself by trying to match the stripes joins, create an optical illusion, or just make something frivolous for the fun of it!

No size limits – except the current high cost of quilting fabric or the number of stripes in your stash. Small is good.

Any questions please contact Dale by phone or email.

Presentation will take place at the Christmas function at the Ballarat Grammar Retreat in November.

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